CORE CONNECT is a proprietary web-based occupational medicine management platform that facilitates the medical surveillance program. It is  designed to manage the entire process from scheduling to reporting of on-boarding services to annual medical surveillance testing requirements –  even exit examinations for employees in medical monitoring programs. The system also provides online notifications and reminders along with an  easy to use dashboard for tracking employee status.

The CORE CONNECT system links each occupational medicine component and is the HIPAA-compliant central repository for medical records.

Its ease of use, coupled with scalability and portability, are key functions that meet with ever-changing workforce occupational medicine situations.

• Customized OccMed Medical Management Platform

• Web-based Software Application

• Online Scheduling/Reporting

          Medical Surveillance Testing  On-Boarding

          Fitness for Duty / Return to Work Exams

          Functional Assessment Exams

• Online Notifications

• Online Medical Clearances (PWO)

• Online Reminders

• HIPAA Compliant

• Scalable & Portable

• Record Retention with Offsite Backup